This vibrant, beautiful cookbook celebrates Colombia and its flavors, women, music and more. We talk about how beautiful the food is, and whether the flavors kept up with that beauty.
Recipes mentioned in this episode:
- Refajo a la Brooklyn (page 124)
- Coquito mio (page 152)
- Alegrías de coco y anis (page 201)
- Lentejas ahumadas con chorizo (page 95)
- Ceviche de palmito y pomelo (page 238)
- Ensalada de aguacate y cilantro (page 94)
- Plátanos en tentación (page 78)
- Arepas con queso (page 33)
- Arepas de maiz trillado (page 30)
- Pastel “gloria” (page 210)
- Almojabanas con agua de azahares (page 51)
- Perro caliente con todo (page 230)
- Paletas de avena y canela (page 285)
- Helado de suero (page 82)
- Merengón de fresa y crema de diente de león (page 128)
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- Our sponsor: Dropcloth Samplers
- Cook along with us! Next cookbook episode (releasing 8/9/2023): Indian-ish, by Priya Krishna